These Tips Will Help You Write Effective Content For Your Website
- The more personal your content is, the more people will read, and the longer they stay on the site, the more likely they are to buy from you. Make sure your personality shows through: humorous, serious, witty, etc.
- Please submit the content for each page as a separate ticket in the ticket system. It keeps things organized and helps get your site built faster!
- Write a little more than you think you need –at least a good paragraph for each section/subsection. We can always trim later.
- USE THE WORDS YOU WANT TO BE FOUND UNDER. e.g. Want people to google: “Printing Lowville” and get Coughlin? Use Printing and Lowville in your content!
- Your website will read exactly as the content you send us, so have co-workers proofread, help make sure everything you want is in there, etc. Spell-check is your friend!
- Type it in WORD or another document processor FIRST, then paste into the ticket system or attach the document. For security reasons, the ticket system times out sometime after 30 minutes...EVEN if you’re having a genius moment!
- Be shameless! It’s YOUR site advertising YOU! Tell people how great you are!
- Don’t bother with formatting; we’ll match it to the rest of the site. We will make your site look good; we just need the raw materials.
For now and the future, the ticket system is the FASTEST and most EFFECTIVE method to get work done on your website. It goes directly to the designers’ queue. If you call or email us requesting website work we will ask you to make a ticket instead! It helps keep our cost down, as well as yours! If you’re new or a little rusty, no worries. Just give us a call and we’ll be glad to walk you through it over the phone.