- Log into existing account at
- Go here: and see if there is already a "Brand Account" listed which you want to use. If so, skip to step 4.
- If no brand accounts are listed, click "Create a new channel" give it a name, then click "Create."
- Go to and click "Move channel to a brand account"
- Click the available account in the list to which you would like to move your channel.
NOTE: if your brand account already has a channel associated with it, the channel will be deleted during this process. If you want to keep the channel, you should create a new brand account. If you created the brand account in step 3, don't worry about deleting its channel as it will be empty. - Once you have moved the channel from a personal account to a brand account, go here:
- Click "Add or Remove Managers"
- Click "Manage Permissions"
- Click the "Invite New Users" icon in the top right corner.
- Type in one or more users, and choose the role (Owner or Manager) then click "Invite"
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